JOIN US SUNDAYS 8:45 AM & 10:30 AM
Oct '20
Stay True
Oct '20
1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 | October 4, 2020
Questions for the week.
- What has God given to you that can be used for his glory?
- How can that be used to touch a neighbor or friend?
- What do you plan to do this week that will help to live out your life for others?
- How do we stay true to our faith when so much around us is confusing and difficult to decipher?
Staying ________ to Jesus was costly (note: 3:6-13 NIV)
- Live a life of ________
Note: vs. 1
- “how to ________”
- Be occupied
What has God given you that can be used to live a ________ of holiness?
To do what?
- To be ________ (vs. 3)
- Purity
- Avoid sexual ________
- Abstain
- ________
- Sexual sins (porneia)
Note: vs. 4
- ________ (a learned life-style)
- To possess
So that your life is:
- ________
- Pure
- ________
- Valued
Note: vs. 5
- Stay away from ________ lust
- A longing for what is wrong or forbidden
Note: vs. 6
- Don’t bring harm to someone because of your sexual sins
- Adultery ________ the spouse and family
- Premarital sex destroys the future partner
Thought: God will punish us for being this way
- There is always a ________ to our actions
Note: vs. 7
- God has called us to a ________ life 1 Peter 1:13 NIV; 2 Peter 3:10-12 NIV
- ________ others (9-12)
Note: vs. 9
- A brotherly love motivated by a love given to us by God (God’s love)
Paul’s admonition – do it more and more
- Make it your ________ (vs. 11)
- Live a ________ life
- To hold your tongue (say nothing)
- Mind your own ________ (two words)
Our purpose is to:
- Walk; work; do our own business
Why? (vs. 12)
- We can daily win ________ of other
How do we show our faith during these tough times?
- ________ for God’s glory
- ________ others