JOIN US SUNDAYS 8:45 AM & 10:30 AM

Stay True

1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 | October 4, 2020

Questions for the week.

  1. What has God given to you that can be used for his glory?
  2. How can that be used to touch a neighbor or friend?
  3. What do you plan to do this week that will help to live out your life for others?
  1. How do we stay true to our faith when so much around us is confusing and difficult to decipher?

Staying ________ to Jesus was costly (note: 3:6-13 NIV)

  1. Live a life of ________

Note: vs. 1

  • “how to ________
    • Be occupied

What has God given you that can be used to live a ________ of holiness?

To do what?

  • To be ________ (vs. 3)
    • Purity
  • Avoid sexual ________
    • Abstain
  • ________
    • Sexual sins (porneia)

Note: vs. 4

  • ________ (a learned life-style)
    • To possess

So that your life is:

  • ________
    • Pure
  • ________
    • Valued

Note: vs. 5

  • Stay away from ________ lust
    • A longing for what is wrong or forbidden

Note: vs. 6

  • Don’t bring harm to someone because of your sexual sins
  • Adultery ________ the spouse and family
  • Premarital sex destroys the future partner

Thought: God will punish us for being this way

  • There is always a ________ to our actions

Note: vs. 7

  • God has called us to a ________ life 1 Peter 1:13 NIV; 2 Peter 3:10-12 NIV 
  1. ________ others (9-12)

Note: vs. 9

  • A brotherly love motivated by a love given to us by God (God’s love)

Paul’s admonition – do it more and more

  1. Make it your ________ (vs. 11)
  2. Live a ________ life
  • To hold your tongue (say nothing)
  1. Mind your own ________ (two words)

Our purpose is to:

  • Walk; work; do our own business

Why? (vs. 12)

  • We can daily win ________ of other

How do we show our faith during these tough times?

  • ________ for God’s glory
  • ________ others
