JOIN US SUNDAYS 8:45 AM & 10:30 AM

My Heart

If you and I could honestly look at our hearts position concerning how our world is doing, what would it tell us? Do you think you can trust what your heart would say? Are there areas of your life or heart that has drifted away from the truth that could lead you in a wrong direction?

If we aren’t willing to check our hearts, even our motives, then we might fall prey to doing things that are not in line with the teachings of scripture.

There are so many issues today that are weighing heavy upon our hearts. We are trying to contemplate what is the meaning behind some of them and where do we take our stand with them. Perhaps what is more pressing is, where is the truth in all of it? And do we know for sure that we have arrived at a proper truth?

I would like to offer a couple of thoughts concerning how we can find the truth in many of these issues of our day. First. Always align your opinions or concepts with the absolutes of God’s word. We must be sure to follow His ways before we create our own paths. Second. Be sure to not manipulate the Bible to fit your agenda. God has always had a plan for mankind. We need to find out what that is and then proceed to direct our way of thinking to line up with his. Third. Be honest with yourself and the truths of God’s word. Let the Bible speak for itself. Don’t allow it to become your weapon of pursuing your own agenda.

As I look across the landscape of our country and the direction that it seems to be moving, I want to remind us to be very careful that we submit to God’s plan for our nation – not ours. What we feel or what we determine to be right or wrong has to line up with the truths of God and his word.

Now is the time to be good stewards of the principles of God’s truths. Always place your desires at the direction of the Holy Spirit. Let him be the One to direct your steps and opinions. Falling in line with his truths will result in furthering the Kingdom of God, not ours.


Pastor Terry
