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Grace: The Power of Prayer

October 31, 2021

Power of Prayer

Ephesians 1:15-17

Their faith was amazing.

Their love was all encompassing.

The power of a faith-filled person; a follower of Christ

  • They trust in God’s leading
  • They are willing to take spiritual risks
  • They believe that God knows what he is doing
  • They do not question the leading of the Holy Spirit
  • Impossible is not in their vocabulary 
  • They live a faith-driven life
  • Each day is an action of faith by them
    • They just trust
    • They just believe
    • Their doubts are driven away by their faith

Hebrews 11:23-31 NIV

This is the caliber of faith that Paul praised them for.

Hebrews 11:13-16 NIV

This church was known for being a powerful, love-filled follower of Christ.

  • Their love was all-encompassing

Their faith in Christ created hearts of love and acceptance.

Walls come down when love arises.

A daily walk of faith is shown by the love it displays.

Let your faith and love be heard all around you.

To have a spirit of wisdom and revelation

Why? So that they might get to know Christ more.

Wisdom makes us wise so that we will understand the wonders of God’s grace.

Revelation helps us to comprehend the mysteries of his kingdom.

Wisdom helps to make clear in our minds and hearts the grace of God.

Is grace always a gift?

Could grace cause us pain?

Could it be used to discipline us?

What is a spirit of revelation?

  • God removing the cover from our eyes and heart
  • It is him manifesting himself to us
  • Sometimes it is revealing new truths that we did not know before
  • Perhaps it causes us to realize our humanity and the importance of Christ being a part of us

Many times God will use circumstances to reveal truth to us in order to transform our way of thinking and acting

To have a spirit of wisdom and revelation is to be mature in your walk with Christ.

  • These are the foundational truths about our Christian walk
  • We miss the working of God in our lives when we do not have these operating in us

“To know Christ better”

  • full discernment
  • acknowledgement 
  • precise and correct knowledge
    • ethical and divine

Can you see how important these are for us to have?

  • What is the ethical, moral, and divine thing to do in any given situation

Pray that God will give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation.

In doing so, you will experience Christ more and more.
