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Grace: Promises

March 6, 2022


Ephesians 2:11-13

Truth is, we have and will always have division.
No matter what we do, religion still divides us.

  1. How did this happen? PRIDE!

Gen. 11:1-9 NIV
Q. Is there anything wrong with this story?

  • They wanted to be united
  • They were of one mind and heart
  • They were establishing a connection point

So, what was so wrong with this?

Gen. 9:1-3, 7

God wanted them to fill the earth.

  • One global family
  • One purpose – God’s covenant blessings
  • One language – to be able to retell the wonders of God and his provision for all mankind
  • One God to worship – complete allegiance to the God of Noah
  1. Why the rainbow?
  • No matter where you go, we will be connected
  • No matter what may take place, I’m looking
  • When your greatest fear arises, water coming from the sky, I will remember you
  • It will be an everlasting covenant
    • Gen. 9:17 NIV 
  1. So what does Ephesians 2:11-13 teach us?
  • God promised Israel hope
    • We now have hope
  • God provided Israel a Messiah
    • We now have a Messiah
  • God promised Israel sonship – relationship
    • We now have a relationship – sonship with God
  • And every time God sees the rainbow, he remembers his covenant with Noah
    • And every time God sees his Son, he is reminded of his covenant with us
      • We are now in Christ because of the New Covenant that is in the blood sacrifice of Jesus
      • His blood was shed for us 

What a wonderful truth.

  • We get to share in the blessings of God
  • We are now in Christ
