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Grace: Part 7
July 18, 2021
Opposition in Corinth
Acts 18:1-11
It was at Corinth that Paul decides that he has had enough of the opposition of the Jews.
Note: vs. 6 NIV
- Opposed
- To resist
- To battle against
- Abusive
- Blasphemed
- To speak evil of
- They had done this before in Antioch (north of Iconium)
- Acts 13:38-45 NIV
Note Paul’s reaction.
- Shook out his clothes
- The Pharisee’s practiced this
- When they left an “unclean” Gentile area
- This was an act of solemn warning to those who rejected God’s message
- Matthew 10:11-15 NIV
- Luke 9:1-6 NIV
- Does that sound pretty harsh, severe, rude, arrogant and unchristian like?
What can we take from this?
- Paul had been persecuted for his teachings about Jesus the Christ
- This group of Jews were out to not only destroy him, but to shut down the truth about Jesus and his resurrection
- Sometimes you have to walk away and give it to the Lord
Paul wanted to win his fellow brothers.
- Romans 1:16 NIV
- Romans 9:1-5 NIV
Paul loved his fellow Israelites.
- He devoted his entire life to them
- 1st he was a Pharisee
- 2nd he became a missionary to them
Note: Acts 18:7-11 NIV
Two things happened:
1st Paul went to another location
- He went next door
Thought: Perhaps it is just that simple
- Maybe you just need to go next door
Remember the great commission in Acts 1:8 NIV
- Jerusalem (home)
- Judea and Samaria (county)
- Ends of the earth
Don’t forget about the person next door.
- We are all to be missionaries in our neighborhoods
- We all are responsible to those we know best
Paul simply walked next door.
- It is odd how the church is on every corner yet most of them are empty
- Have we forgotten our friends and neighbors?
- Is it just the missionaries job to tell people about Jesus?
2nd Paul’s message was received by the people next door
- Titius Justus a Gentile (he was a worshipper of God; his heart was ready for the truth; he just needed to be told)
- Crispus was a Jewish synagogue ruler (the group that opposed Paul)
- Many Corinthians believed
- “many believed”
- Baptisms took place
Just because you don’t see results right away in one particular place doesn’t mean that God isn’t working right next door.
- Be flexible
- Be available
- Be ready
Three take a ways:
- When you share Christ with people expect opposition
- Be opened to changing your location
- God brings the results, you bring the message of the good news about Jesus