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Grace: Part 5
June 13, 2021
The Students
Acts 17:10-15
A closed mind can lead to a closed heart.
Note: vs. 3
- Explaining and proving
- Jesus had to suffer and rise from the dead
- The resurrection is the truth that all of Christianity is based upon
- No resurrection, no Christianity
- Jesus is the Christ
- Paul taught all of this from the O.T.
Note: vs. 4
The gospel is offensive to the human heart.
- Sin hates righteousness
- The human nature hates the spiritual nature
- Evil hates holiness
- Without Christ, we are enemies of God
- Romans 5:10 NLT
Note: vs. 10 (also note: 1 Thess. 2:17-3:13)
Note: vs. 11
- Bereans were of more noble character
- To be open-minded
- Inclination to learn
- A readiness of the mind
An opened mind can lead to an opened heart.
- They searched the scriptures eagerly
- They didn’t just believe everything Paul and Silas told them
- They scrutinized
- To investigate
- To asked questions
- They discerned the truth
- They judged right teaching from wrong
- They search for the truth
A true student of the scriptures never takes the word of another.
- They search, examine, ask questions, and discern the truth
James 3:1 NIV
Don’t ever turn over your mind and heart to some human being.
- Don’t make them your source of truth
- Make God’s word that source
Knowing God is one reason that we exist.
- It is our honor, privilege, and yes, our duty and responsibility to study the Bible
- Within its pages are the answers to lives questions
- It is our source of strength
- It is the power whereby we can live
Mankind is lost without God’s word.
Note: Psa. 119:105 NIV
- Daily they were studying the teachings of Paul and Silas
So much can be said for being influenced by God and his word on a daily basis.
- Reading (individual or a reading plan)
- Listening (podcast, etc.)
- Watching (Biblically based teachers)
Either way, make it a daily habit to have your mind and heart challenged by God and his word.
- Don’t be afraid of not know the Bible
Search it for truth.
- Examine it with a clear heart and mind
- Ask the Holy Spirit to give you insights and wisdom
- John 14:26-27 NIV
- Don’t let fear drive your mind
- Don’t let the unknown steal your hope
The Holy Spirit was given to us so that we might know the teachings of Christ.
- He taught truth
- He showed us the Father
- He gave us a life of understanding
Three take a ways:
- Have your heart and mind opened to the truth of God and his word
- Study the Bible!!
- Search its truths
- Find the treasures within the scriptures
- Make it a daily habit of letting God’s word affect your life