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Grace: Part 14
September 5, 2021
Praise Him!
Ephesians 1:3
Blessings…what are they?
- How are they measured
- How are they given out
- Who determines who gets them
- How hard must you work to get one
- Can anyone get them
- Do you benefit from getting them
God’s favor and protection
Thought: God is doing us a favor by giving us protection and blessings?
The word “bless” is to eulogize.
So, God has invoked a favor of blessings from heaven itself.
- Everything that belongs to heaven – blesses us
- Everything that comes from heaven – blesses us
Philippians 3:20 NIV
- God the Father blessed us with favor when he sent his son
- This unique relationship was shared with us
- Jesus came from heaven and blessed us
- We now can have a unique relationship with him
- All that we are and all that we have is because of this wonderful favor that God did for us
Shouldn’t we, wouldn’t we, ought we to praise!
- Is he not worthy of it
- Is it not right of us to do so
- Should we do anything less than praise him
Read: Psalm 150 NLT
Close with the doxology song