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Grace: Part 11
August 15, 2021
“Where are you?”
Acts 19:23-41
The created creates gods and the Creator becomes a god.
- How did we come to this conclusion?
- How did the greatest of God’s creation turn its back on him?
- When did we believe that we were greater, bigger, smarter than the God of creation?
Gen. 11:1-9 NIV
Mankind decided to do their own thing.
- No more fear of the flood
- No more fear of God
- No more fear of being alone
- There was no more Eden with the Angel and sword telling them “We don’t belong here anymore”
4 things take place in the story that convinces mankind that they did not need God.
- Built a city (vs. 4)
- Security
- We will take care of ourselves
- The power of the city
- Built a tower to reach the heavens
- To get in touch with the gods
- To find purpose
- To understand their origin
- To feel connected
- To be a part of the great mystery
- The answers lie in the heavens
Thought: If they could enter into the heavens, then they have reached the place of God.
- Once you find him, you have become just like him
- He no longer has power over you
- You conquer his home
- When he falls, you rise
- You then will be worshipped
- You then will be just like him…a god
- This was the promise of Satan to Adam and Eve in the garden
- Gen. 3:5 NIV
- God becomes just like you
- They wanted to be recognized
- To have a name for themselves
- “You will be just like him”
- Your name will be recognized by everyone, everywhere
- All of creation will come to worship you
Babylon became known for its materialism and sexual pleasures.
- It was the seat of false religions
- Whatever you desired, you did it
- No more roaming
- We are planting roots
- No one is telling us what to do or where to live
- We are our own person
- Our destiny will be determined by us
- We don’t have to listen to anyone, especially God
“There is always power in numbers”
And so mankind has believed the philosophy of Babylon for centuries.
- We have fought against God
- Against each other
- We have believed that our future and destiny is of our own choosing
- We still find strength in numbers
- We believe that the answer to who we are is found in the stars
- We are still searching for meaning, the truths about the heavens, our place in the vast universe
- We are still trying to make a name for ourselves
Paul’s teaching about Jesus being the Son of God and the long awaited Messiah countered the philosophy of the gods of Ephesus.
- Jesus was the One true God
- He created all things
- He doesn’t live in a temple on Earth
- He lives in Heaven
- He isn’t one of many gods
- He came to this Earth to give his life for our salvation from the grip of death
- His forgiveness unites us
- After his death he rose from the grave
- His resurrection causes our hearts to stop roaming
- We have found our true resting place in him
- It is in a relationship with the God of creation
Ever since Genesis 3, mankind has been searching for their Creator.
- We miss him
- We want him to miss us (and he does)
- We need his presence with us
- We feel lost and afraid without him
- We wander about hoping that we might just stumble upon something that will tell us we are important, valued, and loved by him
Jesus loved us; valued us; walked with us…Why?
- The Creator came to restore the created back to their proper place…by his side.
- Walking in the cool of the day with the God who named them, “Adam”
- He is still calling out today…
“Where are you?”
אָדָם אַי (‘âdâm ‘ay)
Αδάμ πού εἰμί