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Grace: Our Position

February 6, 2022

Our Position

Ephesians 2:5-6

Two things take happen when we become Christians.

  1. We are made alive
  1. What is spiritual death?

Simple answer – Sin 

  • “transgression”
    • Sin is an offense against God
    • We trespassed into God’s holiness
      • Sin cast us out of his presence (the Garden of Eden)

Complexed answer – the fall of mankind

  • Genesis 3
  • We chose to follow selfish desires
  • We turned our hearts away from God
  • We were deceived into believing that we were the master of our own fate

That decision landed us getting kicked out of the presence of God.

  • No longer able to be in God’s presence

He made us alive.

  • He made us originally perfect

Now, through the power of the cross and the resurrection, he remakes us.

The word is, “to quicken together”

  • To reanimate conjointly with
  • To make one alive together 

Thought: Our first birth/creation was in the image of God.

This time we are created in the likeness of his Son, Jesus.

  • Ephesians 2:10 NIV

This is done by God’s grace.

Note: perf. tense/participle (saved)

  • Took place in the past
  • Completed in the past
  • Resulting it exits in the present
  • “By grace have you been completely saved, with the present result that you are in a saved state of being”
  • The unending state of being saved
    • Justified
    • Sanctified
    • Glorified

God’s mercy stepped in and changed the playing field.

  • We are now restored into a new relationship with God
  1. God raised us up – together

As God rose Jesus from the dead, so he has raised us from death – spiritual and ultimately physical.

This new position is in heaven, and it is in Christ Jesus.

Romans 6:3-4 NIV

We can experience our relationship with Christ now.

  • We are in him…now
  • We share in this inheritance…now
  • Our place or position is in Christ…now

Our position has been restored.

Things have been made right for us.

Hebrews 4:14-16 NIV

This privilege is yours because you have been raised with Christ.

What grace that God would allow us to be with him.

  • Walk in Christ
  • Live your life because of Christ
  • Enjoy the privilege of being his child

2 Corinthians 4:11-16 NIV

