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Grace: God’s Plan
October 17, 2021
God’s Plans
Ephesians 1:11-12
What is God’s plan for you?
Does God’s purposes always come about?
Note: Isaiah 46:9-11 NIV
What has God purposed for you?
- To glorify him
- To praise him
What does it look like to glorify and praise God?
1 Chron. 16:7-36 NIV
- Ascribe (vs. 28)
- To give glory because one deserves it
- Isa. 42:8 NIV
- Bring an offering (vs. 29)
What is that offering?
- Our lives
- Our worship
- Our praise
- Our acknowledgement that he is God
- Isa. 42:5 NIV
- Our humble hearts
- Our servant attitude
Note: Psalms 19
This will cause us to remember God’s:
- Mercy
- Love
- Grace
- Majesty
- Wonder of who he is
- Sovereignty
- The glory of his Name