Feb. 7 | Learning to Forgive through our Actions
1st Set your hearts on things above (vs. 1)
- Place of honor
- Remember your position in Christ
2nd Set your minds on things above (vs. 2-4)
- You are hidden in the sphere of God through Christ
3rd Put to death the sins that destroy our lives (vs. 5-11)
Note: vs. 26 Wrath (orgezo) Eph. 4:26
Key thought: vs. 9 Don’t lie to each other
“old self/old man” Belongs to the past. Romans 6:6
Instead, put on the new self/new man. 2 Cor. 5:17
“Being renewed” New kind of life as opposed to your former
“Knowledge” Precise knowledge about Christ; his ever changing work in your life
Key: vs. 11 Christ is all and is in all (nothing lacking in him)
4th Clothe yourself with righteous characteristics (vs. 12)
Your spiritual clothing should be:
- Compassion (living at peace with one another)
- Kindness (friendly and helpful/servant)
- Humility (know your weaknesses/know God’s power)
- Gentleness (kind attitude/sweet spirit)
- Patience (not revengeful/give room for passion/longsuffering)
5th Bear/forgive each other (vs. 13)
Key: vs. 14 The main virtue is love
- Creates a binding effect
- Creates a perfect unity
6th Let the peace of Christ umpire your heart and life (vs. 15)
- To call the balls and strikes in your life
“Peace” Between individuals; tranquility nationally; a soul at peace with God
“Be at peace/be thankful”
7th Let the word/teachings of God dwell in your heart and mind (vs. 16)
- Bathe your teaching in the word of God
Out of a heart filled with the teachings of Christ will flow:
- Psalms (OT Songs of David)
- Hymns (music with instruments – to praise God with)
- God songs put to music
- Praise, worship, heroes, conquests
- God songs put to music
- Spiritual songs
- Songs of the heart
- Ones that connect you with the Holy Spirit
- Not prewritten music
- Songs of gratitude
- Grace, joy, pleasure, delight
8th Do it all in the name of Jesus (vs. 17)
- Word/speech and deed
Give thanks to God for your position in Christ.
- Be grateful; Matt. 15:36 – Jesus broke bread with the Disciples
Here are the eight reasons, purposes and methods to having a forgiving heart.
Put all of this into practice
- Build each other up
Not practicing this leads to our down fall.
Learning to forgive isn’t easy. It takes work.
Colossians 3 has given us a sure way to begin the process of restoring our broken relationships.
Questions for this week.
- What area in your life and heart do you need to put to death?
- What new, Godly practice do you need to be involved in?
- How will you allow the peace of Christ to umpire your life this week?