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Feb. 7 | Learning to Forgive through our Actions

Colossians 3:1-17

1st Set your hearts on things above (vs. 1)

  • Place of honor
  • Remember your position in Christ

2nd Set your minds on things above (vs. 2-4)

  • You  are hidden in the sphere of God through Christ

3rd Put to death the sins that destroy our lives (vs. 5-11)

Note: vs. 26 Wrath (orgezo) Eph. 4:26

Key thought: vs. 9 Don’t lie to each other

“old self/old man” Belongs to the past. Romans 6:6

Instead, put on the new self/new man. 2 Cor. 5:17

“Being renewed” New kind of life as opposed to your former

“Knowledge” Precise knowledge about Christ; his ever changing work in your life

Key: vs. 11 Christ is all and is in all (nothing lacking in him)

4th Clothe yourself with righteous characteristics (vs. 12)

Your spiritual clothing should be:

  • Compassion (living at peace with one another)
  • Kindness (friendly and helpful/servant)
  • Humility (know your weaknesses/know God’s power)
  • Gentleness (kind attitude/sweet spirit)
  • Patience (not revengeful/give room for passion/longsuffering)

5th Bear/forgive each other (vs. 13)

Key: vs. 14 The main virtue is love

  • Creates a binding effect
  • Creates a perfect unity

6th Let the peace of Christ umpire your heart and life (vs. 15)

  • To call the balls and strikes in your life

“Peace” Between individuals; tranquility nationally; a soul at peace with God

“Be at peace/be thankful”

7th Let the word/teachings of God dwell in your heart and mind (vs. 16)

  • Bathe your teaching in the word of God

Out of a heart filled with the teachings of Christ will flow:

  • Psalms (OT Songs of David)
  • Hymns (music with instruments – to praise God with)
    • God songs put to music
      • Praise, worship, heroes, conquests
  • Spiritual songs
    • Songs of the heart
    • Ones that connect you with the Holy Spirit
    • Not prewritten music
    • Songs of gratitude
      • Grace, joy, pleasure, delight

8th Do it all in the name of Jesus (vs. 17)

  • Word/speech and deed

Give thanks to God for your position in Christ.

  • Be grateful; Matt. 15:36 – Jesus broke bread with the Disciples

Here are the eight reasons, purposes and methods to having a forgiving heart.


Put all of this into practice

  • Build each other up

Not practicing this leads to our down fall.

Learning to forgive isn’t easy. It takes work.

Colossians 3 has given us a sure way to begin the process of restoring our broken relationships.

Questions for this week.

  1. What area in your life and heart do you need to put to death?
  2. What new, Godly practice do you need to be involved in?
  3. How will you allow the peace of Christ to umpire your life this week?
