April 4 | Easter Sunday
Easter is a time to remember the resurrection of Jesus.
– The early church believed it. Some saw Jesus; 1 Cor. 15:1-6 NIV
– The church was built around the concept of the Resurrection
But as time went on, Christians began to have doubts, fears, and questions about life without Jesus.
Many believed that Jesus was returning soon.
What did the eminent return of Jesus mean?
Paul believed with all of his heart that Jesus, the Christ, the Son of the living God was going to return – soon.
1) Don’t worry (vs. 13)
2) Your family and friends are safe (vs. 14)
If Jesus died and rose again (Paul believed this), then your family and friends are with him. – Jesus is the “I Am” not the “I was”
Ephesians 2:6 NIV
3) The Lord will return (vs. 16)
– He will come from Heaven
– There will be a loud command
– We will hear the voice of the Archangel
o Jude 9; Daniel 10:13; Daniel 12:1 NIV
– The trumpet call of God will sound
o Ex. 19:16-19 NIV; Hebrews 12:22 NIV
There be any doubt that Jesus is returning.
– There is no secret Rapture here
– All the Earth will hear, feel, and see Jesus’ return
– Your family and friends will be a part of this historic event
4) Your family and friends will rise from the dead (vs. 16)
Note: 1 Cor. 15:12-22 TLB; 1 Cor. 15:50-52 NCV
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5) We will join them in the air (vs. 17)
– Caught up; to rapture
– Meet
o Dignitaries meeting at a city
o Visitors formally met by the citizens of a town
o To be ceremonially escorted back into a city
6) Together we will be with Jesus – forever (vs. 17)
– Our eternal destiny is in God’s kingdom
o Matt. 25:34 NLT; Col. 3:4
– Worry was not to take away their hope
– Lack of information doesn’t stop the work of God
– The believers position in Christ is secure
Note: vs. 18
Encourage each other.
– Tell these things to each other often
– Remember its truths
This is our hope.
This is the final result of what Jesus did for us by dying, being buried and rising from the dead. www.HillsideChurch.com | @hillsidechurch.ww | @hillsidekids.ww | @hillsidecatalystyouth