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Grace: Part 7

July 18, 2021

Opposition in Corinth

Acts 18:1-11

It was at Corinth that Paul decides that he has had enough of the opposition of the Jews.

Note: vs. 6 NIV

  • Opposed
    • To resist
    • To battle against
  • Abusive
    • Blasphemed
    • To speak evil of
      • They had done this before in Antioch (north of Iconium)
      • Acts 13:38-45 NIV

Note Paul’s reaction.

  • Shook out his clothes
  • The Pharisee’s practiced this
  • When they left an “unclean” Gentile area
  • This was an act of solemn warning to those who rejected God’s message
    • Matthew 10:11-15 NIV 
    • Luke 9:1-6 NIV 
  1. Does that sound pretty harsh, severe, rude, arrogant and unchristian like?

What can we take from this?

  1. Paul had been persecuted for his teachings about Jesus the Christ
  2. This group of Jews were out to not only destroy him, but to shut down the truth about Jesus and his resurrection
  3. Sometimes you have to walk away and give it to the Lord

Paul wanted to win his fellow brothers.

  • Romans 1:16 NIV 
  • Romans 9:1-5 NIV 

Paul loved his fellow Israelites.

  • He devoted his entire life to them
    • 1st he was a Pharisee
    • 2nd he became a missionary to them

Note: Acts 18:7-11 NIV 

Two things happened:

1st Paul went to another location

  • He went next door

Thought: Perhaps it is just that simple

  • Maybe you just need to go next door

Remember the great commission in Acts 1:8 NIV 

  • Jerusalem (home)
  • Judea and Samaria (county)
  • Ends of the earth

Don’t forget about the person next door.

  • We are all to be missionaries in our neighborhoods
  • We all are responsible to those we know best

Paul simply walked next door.

  • It is odd how the church is on every corner yet most of them are empty
  • Have we forgotten our friends and neighbors?
  • Is it just the missionaries job to tell people about Jesus?

2nd Paul’s message was received by the people next door

  • Titius Justus a Gentile (he was a worshipper of God; his heart was ready for the truth; he just needed to be told)
  • Crispus was a Jewish synagogue ruler (the group that opposed Paul)
  • Many Corinthians believed
    • “many believed”
    • Baptisms took place 

Just because you don’t see results right away in one particular place doesn’t mean that God isn’t working right next door.

  • Be flexible
  • Be available
  • Be ready

Three take a ways:

  1. When you share Christ with people expect opposition
  2. Be opened to changing your location
  3. God brings the results, you bring the message of the good news about Jesus
